Monday, May 18, 2009



1st solution - fewer furniture.
When there are more furntiture in a room, there will be more reflection of sound waves as there is a higher chance for the sound waves to be in contact with a material surface. However, with more reflections come the greater rate of sound waves being diminished, as sound waves lose their energy as their energy is absorbed by the surface it reacts with. The energy of the sound waves are also lost in the form of heat energy, which in turn causes the range of audibility of the sound waves to decrease exponentially. Therefore, there is a need for as little furniture in the studio as possible, so as to ensure there are less obstructions in the room for the sound waves. The furniture used should most preferably be made from materials with smooth surfaces, such as wood and cloth, so as to ensure a greater percentile of normal reflection as compared to diffused reflection of sound waves.

2nd solution - placement of furniture
By putting the furniture at the flat sides of the studio, if any, will ensure that any sound waves that is reflected to the flat sides of the studio will be reflected off towards the parabolic sides of the studio and thus ensuring a constantly great range of audibility in the studio due to the effective reflection of the sound waves towards the various corners of the room at any one time.

3rd solution - shape of room
When sound reflects off a special curved surface called a parabola, it will bounce out in a straight line no matter where it originally hits. Many stages are designed as parabolas so the sound will go directly into the audience, instead of bouncing around on stage. Thus we can have two studio designs, both utilizing the concept of parabolic surfaces to a certain extent. One possible design is to have a completely parabolic and round studio, while another design is to construct a studio with two opposite sides being flat and the other two sides parabolic.

Ellipse Studio-
Having an ellipse studio ensures that there will be more focus of sound waves as any sound that comes from the source will be reflected directly straight back towards the source of the sound waves, which will be the speakers located at the two ends of the studio. However, the sound will be mainly concentrated on two points, which are the focal points, in the studio. This, however, can be considered a plus point if he audience in the room and users of the room are specifically designated to position themselves in spaces where the sound waves are being focused in.

Partly Parabolic Studio-
Having a partly parabolic studio ensures that sound waves will be reflected everywhere in the studio, so that the sound can be heard in all parts of the studio. This is due to the sound waves reflecting off the flat surfaces towards the parabolic surface, and then the parabolic surface will reflect sound waves directly straight. The advantage is that there is more even spreading of sound and greater range of audibility for the users of the room at any position.

4th solution - type of speakers-

As sound travels faster in material mediums and mediums with higher optical density, due to the higher concentration of molecules and particles in the optically denser mediums, the addition of a layer of dense material such as a plastic coating will allow he sound waves to travel at a greater speed towards the designated direction, which increases the propagation and reflection of sound. The speakers should ideally be of a large surface area with very small pores, as this increases the diffraction and propagation of sound lateral-wise and thus increases the reflection of sound waves throughout the room. These implementations will ensure a greater audibility range, without compromising too much on the quality and the clarity of the sound waves being heard as there is still a minute amount of reflections and obstructions in the pathway of these sound waves.

5th solution - environmental factors of the studio-

As sound travels at a faster rate in an environment with higher humidity, it would be viable to ensure that the studio is enclosed most of the time so as to ensure that the sound waves will be able to reach the audience at a faster rate. Therefore, it is important for the studio to have a minimum of windows and ventilation for a better listening experience for the users of the studio. Having windspeed in the direction of the propagation of the sound waves will also ensure a faster rate of movement of the sound waves, but this is not entirely feasible as reflected sound waves travelling in other directions will be negatively affected by this source of interference, and thus lower the speed of the travelling wave. As a result, an enclosed space will little ventilation will be the best circumstances for the studio to be in.

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